Self-Healing & Mindfulness
Just let your soul dangle ...

Whoever comes to our studio ... embark on an exciting journey to yourself.
Whoever comes to our studio ...

embarks on an exciting journey to find herself.

Because everything you need to live a healthy life full of joy and confidence is already within you, most people just have it buried somewhere and that's exactly where our treatments come in ... We accompany you on the path to true bliss, which can only arise when people are able to find a good balance between body, mind and soul ...

At the end of the day, everything is energy. However, the processes that people sometimes go through to reach this realisation can be very painful. As a trained prana therapist and sophrologist, Christine offers you holistic counselling. The method she has developed includes a variety of different techniques that together create a harmonious whole.

Mindfulness and balance for body, mind and soul are part of Christian's way of life. With this philosophy, the qualified relaxation and mindfulness trainer offers his customers a holistic wellness programme: From meditation to mindfulness training, classic intuitive wellness massages to his specially designed spine special programme (CE method).

We invite you to experience the art of well-being and mindfulness together with us in our newly designed studio in Lana.
Christine & Christian
Customers love these offers

secure - touched - moved

In the flow of nature
The knowledge of life and the art of holistic well-being
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Christines Coaching
Individual holistic coaching
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With the CE method I developed myself, people feel more natural, relaxed and free
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Voucher for a



- Detox 7 Tg.
- Detox 28 Tg.


 - Cell nutrition


- Energy thief

Conscious .... (5%)
Unconscious ... (95%)

 - traumas
 - Programming
 - Manipulations
 - AI
 and much more

Find your DOSHA

(Your Ayurvedic constitution)
With this test you can find out which doshas are particularly pronounced in you. What are the benefits for you? In Ayurveda, in addition to the generally applicable recommendations, there are specific, more detailed instructions for each of the 10 constitutional types.
To be able to use these for yourself, you must first recognise your TRUE SELF.

Our goal: joy, freedom & inner peace for a long, healthy & happy life.

Let´s go!

> S T A R T <
C & C Detox
The 7-day programme
easy & convenient from home
for your body & mind - for man & women
C & C Detox - Ayurveda Art

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C & C Detox
The 28-day programme
easy & convenient from home
for your body & mind - for man & women
C & C Detox - Ayurveda Art

> read more
Special applications ...
and their special effect ...
 This technique involves movement and stretching exercises.

Highly recommended for
  •     any type of back pain
  •     headaches / migraines
  •     joint disorders and much more ...

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Change programming
Do you sometimes have the desire to simply get rid of old habits? But you are only moderately successful?
Then I probably have the solution for you. Old habits will be lovingly changed in your full awareness for your benefit.

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Holistic Pulsing
Deep relaxation

Pulsing’ - as it is called in German - is an energetic, holistic healing and self-awareness method. During the application, the body is held in a swaying movement, which can lead to deep relaxation and energy release.

With Holistic Pulsing you can experience this:
  •     inner peace and clarity ...
  •     Deep physical and mental relaxation
  •     Release stubborn blockages and pain
  •     Strengthening and activating self-healing powers
  •     Reducing stress (in case of overwork, nervousness, anxiety, sleep disorders, etc.)
  •     Vitalisation and harmonisation of mind, body and soul
  •     Well-being & enjoyment in the sense of a pampering programme
  •     Connecting with your own life source and joie de vivre
  •     Balance - centring and much more ...

> read more
- T E A M -

News - Blog

Real life is probably the most exciting journey to your inner self, your true abilities, talents and gifts.

 Quote: Christine Obkircher
Happy holidays
24.12.2024 Christine & Christian
Dear customers, We thank you for the trust you have placed in us and wish you a peaceful and blessed festive season with your loved ones. with your loved ones. Best regar...
Free webinar
on the topic of detoxification
on Wednesday, 15 May at 20:00

I/we look forward to seeing you!

Christine & Christian
The 7-day C & C Detox programme
easy & convenient from home

Secure your C & C Detox programme now.

can be started at any time ...

... for more lightness and joie de vivre
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